Planning Your Nikah During Times of Tragedy

Navigating a nikah during such profound sorrow can be complex. Still, there are paths that allow us to move forward in life while bearing in our hearts the struggles of our dear brothers and sisters abroad. The current situation in Gaza has reminded of this. Here are a few tips...

1. Embrace Simplicity in Your Nikah.
Nikah today often lean towards lavishness, which may feel out of place during times when we’re witnessing so many being deprived of basic necessities like food, electricity, water, and shelter. The Prophet (SAW) mentioned that the most blessed nikahs are those with the least expenditure. Let current tragedies serve as a poignant reminder of life's fragility and significance. There's beauty in simplicity, and it's entirely possible to have a dignified and elegant nikah without being over the top.

2. Include a special dua for Gaza
The Prophet (SAW) emphasized the power of a believer's supplication, stating, 'The supplication of a Muslim for his brother in his absence will surely be answered.'
As you prepare for your nikah, consider assigning the officiant or another trusted individual to offer a heartfelt dua for those enduring hardships in Gaza. To ensure its resonance, you might want to pen down the dua for them in advance.

3. Avoid music and dancing; embrace poetry, shared meals and thoughtful speeches
There are countless other ways to infuse warmth and depth into our nikah festivities than music and dancing. In these reflective times, consider embracing the eloquence of poetry, the comforting embrace of shared meals and conversation, and the sincerity of heartfelt speeches. By choosing these alternatives, you're fostering an atmosphere of reflection, love, and connection. Let your celebration be a moment of remembrance of Allah and our short time on this earth.

4. In lieu of gifts, ask for donations for Gaza
Understand that any donation made in your name will be returned to you in blessings manifold.

May Allah shower blessings upon your nikah and make your union a beacon of hope for the ummah.